U11 City League - Atom City 7

Time Keepers, Team Fees etc.

Just a quick reminder to please pay your team fees if you have not yet done so. They are $200 and can be paid by cash, cheque or e-transer.   We are still missing 3 or 4 players! (Please return your medical forms and parent forms too!)

Time/Score Keepers will be as follows:

Nov. 4th  - Wirachowsky/Slater

Nov. 10th - Nelson/Nelson

I will just continue down the list once I have more games on our schedule.  If you can't make it try and switch with someone or let me know.  If you aren't sure how the clock works we can help you out.  

We are still waiting to get the last two black jerseys that we need.  LMHA is still looking into white socks.

I am still waiting for the Leduc schedule.  I will put it into RAMP as soon as I receive it.  (I am hopeful that we will have it by the end of this weekend.)  I am still looking for 2 tournaments close to Lloyd so if you have any leads let me know and I will contact them.  Thanks!



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