Managers Binder

Team Snap

All teams are provided with a free TeamSnap account for team management. Let team members know that TeamSnap will be the preferred method for team communications and schedule information.

All player and parent contact information should already be listed in the TeamSnap roster profiles based on what was entered during registration, but make sure to let your parents know to update or add any additional email addresses or family members they want to receive team schedules and communications.

Some managers prefer to assign a team volunteer to manage the TeamSnap account, but ensure as the Team Manager that you retain manager access so you can modify any activities, access manager specific information from the association and communicate with your team.

For detailed TeamSnap usage information, see section 3 - TeamSnap



Team Manager/Coach Checklist

Team Registration Form

Team Registration for Coaches form

Team Registration for On-Ice Helpers

Play Smart - Player

Play Smart - Parent

Player Medical Information Sheet

Affiliation Information

AAA & AA Named Player Affiliation Agreement - All Male, Female AAA & AA Teams

LMHA Named Player Affiliation Agreement - For LMHA Mainstream teams

NEW Bank Account Request Form

Team Budget Guidelines

Team Budget Template

NEW Online Fundraising Application

Team Fundraising Info

Policies and Procedures

Ice Booking Procedure

Ice/Ref Contact Info

Injury Reporting Procedures

Hockey Alberta Injury Report Form

Travel Permit Procedure

Coaching Requirements

Critical Dates Hockey Alberta

Minimum Suspensions Info

Standard Penalty Abbreviations

Team Safety Person Information

Form for the City of Lloydminster Rules and Guidelines for LMHA

Vulnerable Sector Check Letter for Coaches and Managers


End of Season email will be go out to all managers with a list of housekeeping items that need to be completed(equipment return date, bank account information, surveys etc.)

This email usually goes out the first week in March. Surveys will be activated once email has been sent.

LMHA End of Season Survey for Parents

LMHA End of Season Survey for Players